

We believe that Education is a key part in the formation of the citizen, therefore we act in some specific segments of education, as the Youth and Adult Education – EJA (Projeto Escala), the Business Training (Mestres do Jogo), and the Entrepreneurial training for High School (Cria Escola de Negócios).

Projeto Escala – Integrated Education

Integrated Education focus on Youth and Adult Education – EJA was created to guide the students to new achievements and graduations, bringing together needed elements for andragogical education in an articulated and integrated manner.

Has a didactic specific material for youth and adult education, high school stage, included in BNCC, can be used for face-to-face, blended, or distance education, under serial or modular basis.

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Mestres do Jogo – Immersion course in Corporative Management and Governance

The corporative governance is a key so that professionals act in a responsive, organized and secure manner. It is essential to support core strategists.

Believing that, we created this immersion that contributes so that the partners, managers, and potential successors are aligned with the needs of the companies, being confident to make decisions.

A two days’ course, where we will go through several themes of Corporative Governance for small and medium business, specially the Ltdas.

Click below and know more!

Cria Business School

The corporative governance is a key so that professionals act in a responsive, organized and secure manner. It is essential to support core strategists.

Believing that, we created this immersion that contributes so that the partners, managers, and potential successors are aligned with the needs of the companies, being confident to make decisions.

A two days’ course, where we will go through several themes of Corporative Governance for small and medium business, specially the Ltdas.

Click below and know more!